Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Thirty Year Dream Nears Reality as Tarkio Technical Institute Plans to Open January 2020

The dreams of alumni of colleges that close and residents of small towns where they reside sometimes take a while to play out. 

Tarkio College closed in 1992 and after several false starts, efforts led by the Tarkio College Alumni Association are now bearing fruit.

Mike Peterson of KMA 960 AM radio interviewed John Davis, Tarkio Technical Institute's interim president for the Morning Line program Thursday morning, September 12th, "Rejuvenated Tarkio College aims to prepare new workforce." You can also listen to the 10-minute audio segment on the Morning Line page.

Officials with the Missouri Department of Higher Education recently approved the certification of the Tarkio Technology Institute and the institution plans to reopen the school January 6, 2020 as a post-secondary career and technical school offering diploma and certificate programs in plumbing technology and wind energy technology. 

The Tarkio College Alumni Association page offers updates on recent activities including the recent transfer of ownership of the campus from TCAA to Tarkio College.

Previous College History Garden posts focusing on Tarkio College may also be of interest: