Tuesday, August 20, 2019

50th Anniversary for the University of Texas at Dallas

The Dallas Morning News published "How UT Dallas evolved from a small research center into one of the fastest-growing universities in just 50 years," with reporting by María Méndez on August 19, 2019.

Méndez provides the founding story for the University of Texas at Dallas when Eugene McDermott, Cecil Green and J. Erik Jonsson, who started Texas Instruments, set up the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest in 1961 to train a local workforce. The center was renamed the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies two years later and in 1969 it served as the foundation for the University of Texas as Dallas. Méndez also explores some of the reasons for the institution's success and continuing growth in more recent years.

You can visit the UT Dallas 50th anniversary web pages or find timelines and additional historical information.

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