Monday, March 11, 2019

The Sage Colleges will Reorganize as Russell Sage College

Jamie DeLine of WTEN-TV in Albany, NY reported this weekend that The Sage Colleges Trustees adopted a new strategic plan that will reorganize and rebrand the colleges as one unified co-educational institution with campuses in both Troy and Albany in 2020. The institution will be known as Russell Sage College with campuses in Albany and Troy.

The women's college was initially founded in 1916 and operated under the charter of the Emma Willard School until 1927 when the New York State Board of Regents granted a separate charter for Russell Sage College.

An Albany division was opened in 1949, offering two-year, four-year and graduate degrees under the charter of Russell Sage College and extending the College’s mission to include the education of men on the second campus. The Sage Junior College of Albany received its own degree-granting powers in 1957. 

In 1995, the Sage Graduate School became authorized to grant degrees independently, the Sage Evening College became recognized as a separate administrative unit.  The entire institution was re-chartered by the Board of Regents of the state of New York as The Sage Colleges with Russell Sage College in Troy continuing its mission as a women's institution.  In 2001, the Sage Junior College of Albany and Sage Evening College were replaced by a single entity, Sage College of Albany.

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