Friday, March 1, 2019

The New School Turns 100...

The New School celebrates the centennial of its founding in 1919 as The New School for Social Research...though stories of institutional founding can be complex and a case can also be offered for "...1896, when the Chase School of Art began, which eventually evolved into Parsons School of Design. Or 1933, on the occasion of the University-in-Exile, which became the Graduate Faculty in Political and Social Science. Or 1989, when Mannes College of Music, first established in 1916, became a part of the school."

You can visit the 100th anniversary web page for links to scheduled events, a timeline, and archival materials or essays that document The New School’s legacy of progressive thought and action.  The anniversary honors the legacies of Charles Beard, John Dewey, James Harvey Robinson, Thorstein Veblen, and others who "...set out to create a new kind of academic institution, one where faculty and students would be free to honestly and directly address the problems facing societies in the 20th century."
The history page offers a short survey to discover "What New Schooler are You?" results, "Your mess is your genius, your genius a mess. But just like Jack Kerouac, you never miss a Beat."

Links to resources include a video of Julia Foulkes and a presentation she made for the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation on July 8, 2015, on the history of the New School.

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